Fire Extinguisher Use on the Farm

General Safety Hits: 11090

Handling a fire on your farm is easier when proper safety equipment is in place, and fire extinguishers are one of the crucial elements.

Fire extinguishers should be located in the following areas: workshop, barns, farm vehicles, combines, balers, tractors, and in the house.

In the stores you see many types and sizes of extinguishers, so which ones should you buy? Well, that depends on the location and the class of fire that may start in that location. Remember, if you use the wrong type of extinguisher, you may cause a more severe problem! Here is the type of fire extinguisher needed for a particular location:

  • Workshop
10 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
5 pound dry chemical ABC extinguisher
  • Barns
10 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
2.5 gallon pressurized water extinguisher
  • Farm Vehicles
5 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
  • Combines
10 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
2.5 gallon pressurized water extinguisher
  • Balers
2.5 gallon pressurized water extinguisher
  • Tractors
10 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
  • Silos
20 pound dry chemical, multi-purpose ABC extinguisher
2.5 gallon pressurized water extinguisher


The ABCs of Proper Fire Extinguisher Use

What does "ABC" mean when it comes to fire extinguishers? Just remember this rule of thumb:

A is for ASHES. Ash fires are: wood, cloth, hay, straw, or any material that will burn to an ash.

B is for BARRELS. Barrel fires are: paints, petroleum products, and other flammable liquids.

C is for CURRENT. Current fires are: motors, engines, electrical, etc.

Here are just a few more quick tips on proper fire extinguisher practices to implement around your farm or acreage:
